Sunday, August 8, 2010

Travels with Chet

I've been to the grave of Chester Arthur a handful of times, and I always try to find a new way to photograph it. This is my latest attempt. Once I realized that Arthur isn't actually buried in the black marble sarcophagus, I had no problem climbing on it to get these shots...

"Surely no more lonely and pathetic a figure was ever seen assuming the powers of government. He had no people behind him, for Garfield, not he, was the people’s choice. He had no party behind him, for the dominant faction of his party hated his name, were enraged by his advancement, and distrusted his motives. He had not even his own faction behind him; for he already knew that the just discharges of his duties would not accord with the ardent desires of their partnership, and that disappointment and estrangement lay before him there. He was alone.” - Elihu Root 

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